about Johri

Johri Maat, LL.M, MSSM (credit: sushilla.info)

Risk management in the security domain, that is what I have specialized in as a lawyer and public administrator. In this I have a special interest in the historical perspective. Over the years I have written various articles on safety, integrity and crisis management. In order to make these articles accessible to interested parties I have set up this personal website.

In 1998 I graduated in HBO Public Administration (Government Management) at the Thorbecke Academy (Noordelijke Hogeschool Leeuwarden). After this I completed the study Legal Public Administration at the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen in 2004. From my work at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations I completed the two-year executive Master in Security Science & Management (MSSM) at the Delft University of Technology/Delft TopTech in 2011.

Since 2019, I am affiliated with the Graduate School Law of Radboud University in Nijmegen as an external PhD candidate. Within the sub-programme ‘Supporting Principles & Fundamental Rights’ of the Research Center for State & Law (SteR), I am conducting research into risk management of legal private firearms ownership in the Netherlands in a historical perspective. Various publications based on this research have since been published, which can be found on the page about my research (‘onderzoek’).

I am the director of the Internal Affairs Bureau (Integrity Office) of the Custodial Institutions Agency of the Netherlands Ministry of Justice and Security (Bureau Integriteit DJI). I am also chairman of the ‘Circle of Public Sector Integrity Coordinators’, which focuses on the exchange of good practices and the professionalisation of the integrity function. Therefore I was a senior advisor within the Dutch national government and have worked in all areas of my specialization in security, integrity and crisis management. In the period 2015-2019 I was integrity coordinator (ethics officer) of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. I held the same position in the period 2019-2022 within the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. Since September 2022 I have been working as a coordinating specialist advisor on security and integrity for the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.

My motives
Risk management within the security domain: Which interests do we want to protect? What are the threats and vulnerabilities? What measures can and do we want to take and – often forgotten – what residual risks can, do we want or must we accept?

One of the characteristics of my specialization in risk management is that you almost always have to deal with dilemmas in which choices have to be made under pressure, even if the backgrounds, causes and consequences are not yet entirely clear. Dealing with this is what makes the job so interesting.

Integrity Management aims to protect the society and organization against dishonest behavior of employees. But Integrity Management aims also to protect the employee against a dishonest organization and society. My personal mission is to increase the willingness to report (suspected) integrity violations, to reduce the tension within organizations with regard to integrity issues and to improve transparency regarding integrity issues.

Beside my specialisation, I am also interested in history, art and nature.

Sorry, Dutch publications only
All my publications are in Dutch, but you may have a glimp of these with the summaries in Justitiële verkenningen (Judicial explorations), which are published by the Research and Documentation Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Justice in cooperation with Boom Juridische uitgevers. Each issue focuses on a central theme related to judicial policy:
Administrative corruption (vol. 31, nr. 7, 2005)
Security in cyberspace (vol. 38, nr. 1, 2012)

You can find me at LinkedIn. Please note that to maintain the value of my network, I only make and accept LinkedIn-connections with/from people I have really met. Of course I am open to new connections, please use the options ‘Get introduced’ or ‘Send InMail’. You can also send an e-mail. When you want to contact me as director of the Internal Affairs Bureau, please use one of the options at the website of my organisation.

My ORCID ID: 0009-0001-4194-0301.